Ligonier Public Library Public Comment Policy at Library Board Meetings
Board Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30
The function of the regular meetings of the Ligonier Public Library Board is to conduct the business of the Ligonier Public Library. Although Library Board meetings are public meetings, they are not public hearings. The Board does, however, encourage public attendance at its meetings and provides an opportunity for public comment.
1. Time will be reserved at the beginning of each Library Board meeting for public comment. Public comment is limited to this period.
2. Members of the public who wish to speak are asked to sign in before the meeting begins, identifying themselves and providing their address and group affiliation (if any) to the Board before speaking. A sign-in roster will determine the speaking order for people who wish to make public comment. The names will be called in the order in which they appear on the sign-in sheet. Anyone refusing to identify him or herself will be prohibited from speaking.
3. As a courtesy, it is appreciated if notice of an intention to speak at a Board meeting is given to the Library Director in advance of the meeting.
4. The public comment period is limited to fifteen minutes in total. Each speaker is allowed a maximum of three minutes. The public comment period may be extended by majority vote of the Library Board.
5. Public comments will be addressed to the entire Library Board, but there will not be a response from either Board members or the Library Director.
6. Any member of the public wishing to have an item considered for addition to the Library Board meeting agenda is asked to contact either the Library Director or the President of the Library Board at least one week before the next Library Board meeting.
7. If at any time persons appearing before the Library Board exceed the time limitation set forth in this policy or engage in inappropriate language or behavior, it shall be the responsibility of the President to declare that person out of order and to refuse him or her permission to continue to address the Board.
8. Comments made by members of the public become part of the meeting record.